Saturday, August 14, 2010

No Man is an Island

People need hugs. They need the people they love. They need people who love them.

I have needed these people for some time now. I knew I missed my family and my loved ones back home. But I don’t think I realized how much I was missing.

Chantel said to me today, “Its nice have you here. I don’t realize how much I miss friends until you are here.”

I love Everett’s cheeks, and Cora’s crooked cheesy grins, and Ethan’s smart questions. I love that they all call me Kell. That means so much to me, it almost makes me want to cry. I love that Greg finds me funny and that Chantel always agrees with me and I always know "exactly what she means." (She’s so eloquent in describing the things that I can’t. She neeeeds to blog. I hope I can talk her into actually doing it.)

I have to say I’ve also missed the affection. I didn’t realize how much I missed tight hugs and holding hands with kids as we walk down the road.

It all goes back to that philosophy of mine… people are the most important part of our lives.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Prague is Magical

I've been having a lot of "I can't believe I'm here" moments in the past month. The weekend after Vienna I went to Prague. Prague is pretty well hyped up in the European travel world. I feel like I've heard a million times "Prague is amazing!!!" but I never knew why.

And then I went.

There really is something magical about Prague.

Maybe its the quirky astronomical clock.

Or the church that looks like an evil witch's castle.

Maybe its the huge Gothic Cathedral on the hill.

Or the "largest castle in the world".

Maybe its the 13th Century "Charles Bridge" with its cool old statues and people selling their art.

Combine all, add a pink sunset and a fireworks show over the river, and that makes beautiful, magical Prague.