Friday, June 18, 2010


I learned a new word in German today.

Charlie woke up this morning feeling a bit sick. He went downstairs to Oma and Opa's, and...

I tried to bring him back upstairs, and...

I eventually got him upstairs and a little while later...

Charlie didn't go to kindergarten today. Charlie ist krank. Thank heavens for Oma. I understand just about zero of what she says, but I already love her. She, (along with some of the cleaners from the bed and breakfast), cleaned up all the krank and I didn't even have to touch it. He is doing much better now, with the help of Coca-Cola and pretzel sticks from Oma.

Oh wow. I thought he was better. Just had to put the computer down...
Coke Krank.

At least he made it into the bucket. Ew. Sorry. Like you really wanted to read this. Get well soon Charlie!


  1. wait what does krank mean then??

  2. You didn't figure it out???? Its puke. I think it directly means "sick".

  3. Yes,directly is "sick".
